Classroom Layout

Sample Classroom Layout.

Characteristics of classroom layout:

  • Organized, thoughtful seating arrangement
  • Functional setup
  • Safe, positive environment for learning

I chose this image as an example of classroom layout because I like the way it is organized. The tables group students together, which I think is very helpful for facilitating group work and encouraging cooperation. I also like how this classroom uses shared tables instead of individual desks. The tables allow for students to have more room to spread out when working on projects both individually and in groups. Shared tables also make grouping easier and more organized. Having the students in table groups can also help students have a sense of responsibility to their table “team,” and this may help students encourage their peers to stay on track. The seating chart should be carefully created so students can be successful in their table groups. This seating can also change throughout the year, so students have the chance to work with more of their peers. In The First Days of School, Wong & Wong explain that “the main purpose of a seating arrangement is communication” (Wong & Wong, 2009). The table groups will help encourage communication between students. The layout also features a desk that is further in the back of the room, which may be a helpful space for a student needing to take a “brain break.” Having a place slightly removed from their seat may help the student refocus and calm down, while they are still not too far away. This desk could also be used for individual conference time during reading for the teacher to check in with students individually in a quieter corner. The room also features bright, cheery colors and bulletin boards, which makes the room feel safe and inviting. It is very important that the classroom is a safe environment, so students are able to feel comfortable and engage in their learning deeply. The room also features a rug in the front where students could gather together for class meetings, read aloud time, or strategy group meetings with the students and teacher. I think it is also important to be mindful of where the seats are placed so that all students can see and read the board. This would be something to keep in mind when setting up a classroom as well. I think it is also very important to keep the overall atmosphere of the classroom in mind when planning classroom layout. Wong & Wong explain how setting up a positive environment in the classroom lets students know that “the classroom is a safe, positive, work-oriented environment where every second will be devoted to success and learning” (Wong & Wong, 2009). When I plan my classroom layout in the future, I will focus on creating a positive class environment that incorporates all these features and will also promote positive management.

Wong, H., & Wong, R. (2009). The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.

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